Tax & Reporting
Certain funds within Polar Capital’s Fund ranges have elected to be ‘Reporting Funds’ for UK tax purposes. If you invest in a Polar Capital Fund which has ‘Reporting Fund’ status, you will need to review the yearly information provided in the Reportable Income document posted here and include the relevant details on your UK tax return.
In order for the fund to successfully maintain Reporting Fund status, it must provide investors with the following information within 6 months of the fund’s year end:
- the amount actually distributed to investors per unit of interest;
- the excess of the amount of the ‘reported income’ per unit of interest in the fund for the period over the amount actually distributed to investors per unit of interest for the period (if any);
- the date on which distributions were made;
- the date on which the ‘excess’ amount referred to in (2) above (if any) is considered to have arisen to investors;
- a statement confirming whether or not the fund remains a reporting fund at the date the fund makes the information above available;
- if the fund operates full equalisation arrangements, the equalisation amount per unit of interest in the fund in relation to units acquired in the reporting period. All of the information above will be posted on this website within 6 months of the fund’s year end.
The Polar Capital Funds PLC is registered for public distribution in Germany. All of the Fund’s sub-funds that have German unit holders qualify as fully tax transparent as defined by the German Fund tax Law according to Sec.5 Investment Tax Act (InvTA).
The annual German tax figures are also reported to WM Datenservice, together with the daily figures Equity Gains (“Aktiengewinn”) and Interim Profit (“Zwischengewinn”) which are published on the website, alongside the Accumulated Deemed Distribution Income (ADDI).
The Polar Capital Funds PLC is registered for public distribution in Austria and has the "brighter than white" tax status ("Meldefondsstatus") as defined by the Austrian Investment Fund Act.
The fund has appointed KPMG to calculate the annual deemed distributed income figures which are filed with the Austrian Ministry of Finance and are reported to the Oesterreichische Kontrollbank Aktiengesellschaft (OeKB) by the fund's Administrator. Other tax figures such as the WHT amount on interest per share and information in connection with the EU Savings Directive are also reported on a daily basis to OeKB.
Artificial Intelligence Fund
- Artificial Intelligence Fund
- Asian Stars Fund
- Biotechnology Fund
- China Stars Fund
- Emerging Market Stars Fund
- Emerging Market ex-China Stars Fund
- Emerging Markets Healthcare Fund
- European ex UK Income Fund
- Financial Credit Fund
- Financial Opportunities Fund
- Global Absolute Return Fund
- Global Convertible Fund
- Global Insurance Fund
- Global Technology Fund
- Healthcare Blue Chip Fund
- Healthcare Discovery Fund
- Healthcare Opportunities Fund
- Income Opportunities Fund
- Japan Value Fund
- Melchior European Opportunities Fund
- North American Fund
- Smart Energy Fund
- Smart Mobility Fund
- UK Value Opportunities Fund